An automobile accident takes place every six seconds in the U.S. That translates into approximately five and a quarter million auto accidents annually. The primary causes for an automobile accident are carelessness, negligent driving and alcohol. At Lavaee Law Group, we believe drivers with irresponsible behavior and a lack of respect for the safety precautions should take liability for their actions. California is known for the amount of vehicles on their roads and in all likelihood you've probably have been involved in an automobile accident before or presently experiencing the aftermath of one. Immediately after an accident, you are pulled into dealing with the painstaking process of negotiating with both sides of the insurance companies, finding a doctor, repairing your vehicle and paying for your medical bills. The after effects of an auto accident are particularly harder if you were seriously injured in it. Each case is unique and personal, that's why at Lavaee Law Group we offer a free consultation so we can better understand your situation. Under California state law, you are entitled to obtain fair compensation for the losses you have endured due to an accident. This should cover your doctor/medical bill, loss of wages and your pain and suffering. We can help you with your

  • Medical bills
  • Future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Future lost wages
  • Receive compensation for your pain and suffering
  • Medical equipment
  • Auto repair cost
  • Finding a reputable body shop
  • Dealing with the insurance companies

It is extremely important to choose the right law firm to represent you. Because of our agressive negotiating and extensive preparation, the majority of our cases settled out of court in our favor without going to trial. Our goal is to obtain the maximum monetary compensation for your physical, financial, and emotional losses. Without attorney representation, insurance companies might try to underpay or neglect your claim.

It's essential that you to get hold of an automobile accident attorney shortly after your automobile accident so they can talk to the insurance company on your behalf. Our team at Lavaee Law Group can help you protect your rights, and inform you of the choices you have to obtain the compensation you're entitled to for your injuries. You also might need money to pay off your medical bills and cover lost income for missing work, the earlier you get hold of a lawyer, the sooner you will be able to get compensated. Contacting Lavaee Law Group promptly after your accident will help you avoid missing out on just compensation due to statutes of limitations, or deadlines, that keeps you from filing a claim. It is therefore, in your best interest to contact Lavaee Law Group prompy so we can help you receive the compensation you are entitled to. At Lavaee Law Group, we take each and every auto accident serious and we'll immediately start investigating your case. If you or someone you know has been injured by another driver, please contact the Lavaee Law Group at 1-888-97-97-97-8 for a free case evaluation.

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(p) 310.867.2748
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